The Database of Important Questions
26 June 2023
The Database of Important Questions
It’s been a while! Apologies for the MIA, but, I’ve been busy thinking about a question…and I’d like to share it with you now: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? *Continue Reading*
Share Your Chaotic Story — It'll Get You Funded
17 December 2021
Share Your Chaotic Story — It'll Get You Funded
If you’re like me, you worry about your startup’s story — or rather presenting it. The pivots, founder feuds, competitors, and development delays are just some of the many hairpin turns that contort your journey into something much more…free-spirited. *Continue Reading*

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Radical Uncertainty: Fixing Projects in the Unknown
9 August 2020
Radical Uncertainty: Fixing Projects in the Unknown
Take a moment to examine the artwork above. What do they all have in common? If you’re an art enthusiast, chances are you’ll immediately spot and name the commonality. But, if you’re like me, you’ll notice something weird, but you’ll be unable to put a finger on it. *Continue Reading*

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